Christian Schröder - Sworn and publicly appointed expert

Sworn and publicly appointed expert for the treatment, storage, conveying (pumping) and transport of drinking and processed water
Sachgebietsnummer 7950

Who I am

Christian Schröder
Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)



Sworn and publicly appointed expert for the treatment, storage, conveying (pumping) and transport of drinking and processed water

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Organisme agréé suivant le règlement grand-ducal du 7. octobre 2002 relatif à la qualité des eaux destinées à la consommation humaine.
Autorisation N° 040A14

My competences

What are my competences?

  • Court reports.
  • Preservation of evidence through independent proof procedures.
  • Private reports.
  • State-of-the-art analyses (audits).
  • Identification of defects and damage.
  • Investigations into deficiency and damage remediation measures and their costs.
  • Determination of technical responsibilities.
  • Construction management.
  • Examination of the design and execution plans.
  • Checking the plausibility of performance specifications and requirement specifications.
  • Checking the various construction phases and building systems regarding their technical correctness during the construction period.
  • Monitoring the compliance with contractual agreements.
  • Describing the construction status and progress of the financial measures.
  • Suggesting (if necessary) the improvement of structures, facilities, construction methods, etc., in order to design and implement the projects more effectively.
  • Identifying defects and monitoring the remediation of defects and damages.
  • Detecting and solving problems during the execution of measures.
  • Inspection of the construction works.

Public appointment and swearing in

Quality seal for expertise

The demand on expert service across Europe and in the world is increasing. Companies, courts and consumers that need the knowhow of a German expert face a key question: How to find a qualified expert?

The answer is easy:
Whoever commissions publicly appointed and sworn experts gets a high-quality service.

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